Box Canyon Horse Camp, located about 80 miles east of Eugene, is the gateway to 30+ miles of scenic trails in the Oregon Cascades. From Box Canyon, you can ride into the Three Sisters Wilderness, the Waldo Lake Wilderness, and the Chucksney Mountain Roadless Area.
The Riding
One of the trails out of Box Canyon Horse Camp takes you to the summit of Chucksney Mountain on an impressive 10-mile loop. The trail has some steep side hills, but it rewards you with great views of the Three Sisters from the mountaintop.

You can ride an 11-mile loop into the Three Sisters Wilderness by following the McBee and Crossing Way Trails and looping back on a forest road. The first half of the loop is steep and rocky, but the second half is easy. In early summer, the wild rhododendrons add a froth of pink to the forest.

A short trailer drive from the horse camp, you can ride the 8.5-mile Erma Bell Lakes Loop, which travels into the Waldo Lake Wilderness and past six pretty lakes. This ride is much easier than the other two above, and the scenery is wonderful.

The Camping
Box Canyon Horse Camp is across the road from the historic Box Canyon Guard Station, built in 1933 by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Nine of the horse camp's eleven sites have 4-horse corrals, and all have picnic tables and fire rings. The camp also features a toilet, stock water from a trough, and a day-use parking area. Camping is free at Box Canyon Horse Camp.

Learn More
You’ll find more information about the riding around Box Canyon Horse Camp in Riding Northwest Oregon Horse Trails by Kim McCarrel, available at