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Sheep Springs Horse Camp

Sheep Springs Horse Camp is the equestrian gateway to the delights of riding in the beautiful Metolius Basin, located about 15 miles northwest of Sisters, OR.   Sheep Springs Horse Camp

This park-like area is flanked by Three Fingered Jack to the east, Green Ridge to the west, Black Butte to the south, and Mt. Jefferson to the north.  The basin, which features the headwaters of the Metolius River, is laced with creeks and shaded by huge ponderosa pines. Sheep Springs Horse Camp

Sheep Springs Horse Camp provides access to the 150-mile Metolius-Windigo Trail, plus some easy, low-elevation trails that explore the Metolius Basin and several trails that go up into the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.  

Sheep Springs Horse Camp For example:

You can ride the Metolius-Windigo Trail west to the Bear Valley Trailhead.   Sheep Springs Horse Camp

From Bear Valley Trailhead you can take the Rockpile Lake into the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness, where it intersects with the Pacific Crest Trail at Rockpile Lake.   Along the way you’ll have panoramic views of the Three Sisters, Mt. Washington, and Three Fingered Jack.  (Note the forest fire burning in the photo below.)

Sheep Springs Horse CampYou can follow the Metolius-Windigo Trail south to Camp Sherman, a rather long but easy ride with very little elevation change.   Sheep Springs Horse Camp

You can do a delightful loop to the Metolius River.  Sheep Springs Horse Camp

You can ride a combination of trails and forest roads to make a fun loop through beautiful forests and a meadow with an impressive view of Mt. Jefferson.  

Sheep Springs Horse Camp You can head south on the Metolius-Windigo Trail and loop back to camp along the shore of pretty Canyon Creek.  

Sheep Springs Horse Camp

Sheep Springs Horse Camp offers excellent riding opportunities in spring, summer, and fall.  Why not give it a try?

The Camping


The ___ reason to love Sheep Springs is the camping facilities.  The camp has 11 sites with 4-horse log corrals, fire pits, and picnic tables.  Most sites have room for 2 trailers.  Vault toilet, manure bins, potable water from a hand pump.

More Information:  Sheep Springs Horse Camp  is covered in the Metolius Basin chapter of Riding Central Oregon Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, (Ponderosa Press, 2012).

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