If you live in Central Oregon and you haven't yet tried the trails at the Cline Buttes Canals Trailhead, you're missing out on some fabulous fall/winter/spring riding.
The Trailhead
The Canals Trailhead is located off Cline Falls Hwy. between Bend and Redmond. It offers access to miles of horse trails and dirt roads, along with parking for 12+ trailers.
The Backstory
the Canals Trailhead has historical significance. In the early 1900s an extensive network of canals was built to carry water from Tumalo Reservoir to nearby homesteads. However, when the irrigation company began filling the reservoir, the accumulating water collapsed a lava tube beneath the reservoir and all of the water drained away. The canals never carried a drop of water.
The Riding
A few of the trails near the Canals Trailhead are for hikers only, but most of the trails and all of the dirt roads are open to horses.
To ride east of the trailhead, go through the east gate and cross Barr Road, then follow the trail to the right. About 0.3 mile from the trailhead, you’ll cross a wide dirt road. Continue straight ahead to stay on the single-track trails, or turn left on the dirt road, which runs through a wide basin between two low hills. This road has a fabulous view of the Three Sisters, so if you follow it don’t forget to look back over your shoulder occasionally.
To ride west of the trailhead, go through the west gate and follow the dirt roads as they wind among the low hills.
Trail elevations range from 3,100 to 3,300 feet. The riding is easy. Signage is currently minimal, but you can see the Cline Buttes and/or the Cascades from most places on the trails. Keep an eye on these landmarks and you won’t have any trouble finding your way around.
The footing on the trails out of the Canals Trailhead is excellent for winter riding, so get out there and go exploring!
More Information
Find out more about the Cline Buttes Canals trails in Riding Central Oregon Horse Trails, available at www.NWHorseTrails.com. Happy Trails!