If you’re an experienced rider with a seasoned trail horse, you will love the Anvil Loop, a spectacular ride in the Elbe Hills near Sahara Creek Horse Camp, on the west side of Mt. Rainier.
The Ride
The forested Elbe Hills are beautiful, and the occasional clear-cuts are filled with wildflowers in season. As you ride, you’ll enjoy splendid views of Mt. Rainier from several vantage points.

Your horse will need to be in condition, though, because the elevation changes are significant.

The Anvil Loop segment of the ride circles the flat top of a ridge that was recently clear-cut, so the view of Mt. Rainier is panoramic.

The trails are part of the Nicholson Horse Trail System, a huge trail network that is open only to horses and hikers. Mountain bikes, motorcycles, and ATVs are not allowed on the Nicholson Trails.
The Camping
If you’ve never stayed at Sahara Creek Horse Camp, you’re missing out. This camp is a treat, with spacious campsites, highline poles, potable water, fire pits, picnic tables, and a day-use parking area. The camp was featured in a previous blog post you can read at www.nwhorsetrails.com/sahara-creek-horse-camp/.

Learn More
You’ll find more information about the Anvil Loop and other trails out of Sahara Creek Horse Camp in Riding Southwest Washington Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, available at www.nwhorsetrails.com.