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South Steens Campground

South Steens Campground is the gateway to excellent trails that explore the spectacular glacier-carved gorges on the west face of Steens Mountain.

South Steens Campground

The Riding:

As you ride up into the gorges, the canyon walls tower 1,000+ feet above you.  Streams flow through the gorges, with lush grass, cottonwoods, and aspen lining the creeks.  Away from the creeks, sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and junipers abound.  Wildflowers are plentiful in season, and waterfalls cascade off the cliffs near the ends of the gorges.

South Steens Campground

From South Steens Campground, you can explore the fascinating Big Indian and Little Blitzen Gorges, as well as journey back in time with a horseback visit to the historic Riddle Brothers Ranch.

South Steens Campground

The Camping:

South Steens Campground has 15 equestrian campsites with sturdy hitching rails, fire pits, and picnic tables.  Five sites have oversized corrals that can hold 2 horses. The camp has potable water, a toilet, garbage cans, and a manure bin.

South Steens Campground

More Information:

More information about South Steens Campground and its nearby trails can be found in Riding Southern Oregon Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, available at

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