If you’ve never ridden the trails near Waldo Lake, you have to put the delightful Charlton Lake Loop on your must-do list for next summer. It’s a terrific introduction to the fabulous trails that depart from Harralson Horse Camp.
The loop takes you through a beautiful mixed-conifer forest, into a fire scar that’s chock-full of wildflowers in season, and along the shore of sparkling blue Charlton Lake. And it does all this with little elevation change.

The Ride
In the first two miles, the trail goes through the area burned by the 1996 Charlton Fire. You’ll ride amid the ghostly trunks of thousands of burned trees, softened by a blooming carpet of pink fireweed and a scattering of new, young trees that are now five or six feet tall. You’ll pass Charlton Butte, an impressive cinder cone.

Then you’ll leave the burn and enter the dense forest, with its welcome canopy of green shade. The forest here is a verdant mix of pines, hemlocks, and firs.

The shore of Charlton Lake is a pleasant place to enjoy lunch and savor the views before you head back through the forest to return to your trailer.

Charlton Lake Loop is a relaxing, scenic ride. Don’t miss it!
The Camping
Harralson Horse Camp has a toilet, garbage cans, picnic tables, fire rings, and no other amenities. You'll need to highline your horse or bring a portable corral, and you'll need to bring your own stock water. The camp has room to park two to three trailers for day use.
Learn More
You’ll find more information about the Charlton Lake Loop and other trails in the Waldo Lake area in Riding Southern Oregon Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, (Ponderosa Press, 2017), available at www.nwhorsetrails.com.