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Cape Blanco Beach Trail

Cape Blanco is a delightful beach getaway that’s off the beaten path, with nice trails, a beautiful horse camp, and few people.  Plus, the odds are good that you’ll have clear, sunny weather.  And the highlight of any stay at Cape Blanco is a ride on the Beach Trail.

 Cape Blanco Beach Trail

Cape Blanco State Park is located 22 miles south of Bandon, on the southern Oregon coast.  It’s a long way from Oregon’s major population centers, which is a blessing if you want to avoid the crowds typically found at coastal horse camps and riding areas.

 Cape Blanco Beach Trail

The park is on a rocky headland that juts out into the Pacific Ocean amid an impressive collection of offshore seastacks.  One of these monolithic pinnacles, called “The Needle,” rises out of the beach just below the Cape Blanco lighthouse.

 Cape Blanco Beach Trail

At Cape Blanco you can ride along the beach to the promontory upon which the lighthouse is located, or you can ride to the Elk River, whose course shifts over time as the river cuts its way through the beach to the ocean.

 Cape Blanco Beach Trail

Cape Blanco Horse Camp has corrals, potable water at each campsite, a porta-potty, garbage cans, manure bin, picnic tables, and fire rings. Hot showers are available at the adjacent family campground.

Cape Blanco Beach Trail

For more information about Cape Blanco Horse Camp, see Riding Southern Oregon Horse Trails, available at

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