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7 Things Riders Love About Bullards Beach State Park

“Hey, look how nice these new corrals are!” my friend, Lisa, exclaimed.  And she was right -- Bullards Beach Horse Camp now has sturdy steel 2- or 4-horse corrals at every site.  Located just north of Bandon, Oregon, this Southern Oregon horse camp has always been a favorite, and now it’s even better!

There’s a lot for horseback riders to love about Bullards Beach State Park.  Here are our top 7 reasons why you should plan to go there.

1.  A Lovely, Wide Beach

 Bullards Beach State Park

The 4-mile long beach at Bullards Beach State Park isn’t the longest in Oregon, but it’s plenty long for a fun ride along the surf.  And the wide beach offers great riding even at high tide.

2.  Interesting Trails Through the Dunes

Bullards Beach State Park

At Bullards, you can ride along the foredune, or follow the Cut Creek, North Loop, or Three Mares Trails through the dunes to create loops of varying lengths.  You can also follow one of several connector trails to the beach, and ride along the waves for part of any loop.

3.  Well-signed Routes

Bullards Beach State Park

You can’t get lost on the trails at Bullards Beach State Park, because signs indicate each trail junction, and reassurance signs in between keep you on the trail.  And when you’re on the beach, the connector trails that lead to the dunes trails are clearly indicated as well.

4.  A Historic Lighthouse

Bullards Beach State Park

Where else can you ride your horse to a real lighthouse?  At Bullards Beach, you can ride to the tiny, picturesque Coquille River Lighthouse.  Tie your horse at the hitching rail and go inside for a look at the life-saving but often lonely life of a lighthouse keeper.  Then bask in the attention of the non-riders who come up and ask if they can pet your horse.

5.  An Excellent Horse Camp

Bullards Beach Horse Camp

Bullards Beach Horse Camp has spacious campsites with steel corrals, picnic tables, and fire rings, plus potable water, a vault toilet, and a manure bin.  You can reserve a site at

6.  Plenty of Day-Use Parking

You don’t have to camp in order to enjoy the riding at Bullards Beach State Park.  The horse camp also has free day-use camping that can accommodate 3-4 trailers.

7.  Other Fun Things to do Nearby

Bullards Beach State Park

After your rides, you can drive the short distance to Bandon for good seafood and souvenirs, visit the farmer’s market, or take in the views of the impressive sea stacks just offshore.  And your non-riding family members will appreciate the world-class golfing at nearby Bandon Dunes Golf Resort.

More Information

You can learn more about the camping and riding at Bullards Beach State Park in Riding Southern Oregon Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, available at

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