The Many Lakes Loop, located in the Cascade Lakes District near Cultus Horse Camp, is one of the prettiest rides in Central Oregon. It features towering old-growth firs and hemlocks, fractured basalt outcroppings, and — as you might guess from its name – dozens and dozens of lakes.
The scenic views change as you ride around every bend. And even though you’re riding through a wilderness area, the terrain is very horse friendly.
The Many Lakes Loop isn't a tough ride. It has good tread, no steep side hills, modest elevation change, and no bridges or water crossings.
Unfortunately, neither of the loop’s trailheads can accommodate trailers. Instead, you can ride from Cultus Corral (19.5 miles round trip, including 7.5 miles on a straight and exceedingly boring gravel road). Or you can trailer to Little Cultus Lake Campground (people only, no horses), drive through the campground to turn around, and park on the side of Road 4636.
On your next horse camping trip, go to Cultus Corral and check out the fabulous Many Lakes Loop. You’ll be glad you did!
Learn More

You’ll find more information about the Many Lakes Loop in Riding Central Oregon Horse Trails, by Kim McCarrel, (Ponderosa Press, 2012), available at