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Graham Corral

Graham Corral is a delightful horse camp surrounded by miles of trails through a beautiful ponderosa pine forest. Located only 18 miles east of Santiam Pass (or 100 miles from Salem), Graham Corral is easily accessible for riders from the Willamette Valley.  And it’s convenient for locals, too, since it’s only seven miles from Sisters.

Graham Corral

The Riding

The Metolius-Windigo Trail (the Met-Win) runs through the camp.  The trail is signed with yellow trailblazer diamonds on the trees.

Graham Corral

From Graham Corral, you can ride south to Sisters Cow Camp, an easy 13.5-mile ride.

Graham Corral

Or you can follow the Met-Win north and then detour onto the trails used by the Black Butte Ranch horse-rental operation.  These trails will take you to Glaze Meadow….

Graham Corral

… or to the top of Gobblers Knob, which offers a splendid view of the Three Sisters.

Graham Corral

You can detour off the Met-Win, cross Hwy. 20, and follow the Sisters Tie Trail to the town of Sisters, where you can get a fabulous burger or a milkshake made of house-made ice cream at the Sno-Cap Drive-In. 

Graham Corral

You can ride a loop to the treeless summit of Fourmile Butte, with its 360-degree panoramic views.

Graham Corral

 And you can do a long but scenic ride around Black Butte, enjoying the mountain vistas along the way.

Graham Corral

The Camping

Graham Corral

Graham Corral has 11 sites, 4 of which have 4-horse corrals. The rest of the sites share four large corrals in the center of the camp and offer plenty of trees for highlining. It also features a manure bin and a toilet.  The camp no longer has any water, though, so you'll need to bring water for both you and your horse.

Graham Corral has a lot of fun trails, so give it a try!

Learn More

Discover more about the trails at Graham Corral in Riding Central Oregon Horse Trails by Kim McCarrel, available at


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